GREAT NEWS! Ancestors was named an "exceptional work" in TLGUTS' (the little gallery under the stairs) exhibit, VOICES: Mothers Who Create II. This was a beautiful exhibit, with an abundance of interesting work. Describing her reasons for starting the annual Mothers Who Create exhibit, TLGUTS Director Jocelyn Almy-Testa writes:
"I know that hardly any mother-artist's work is shown in the major galleries and museums. I know that women's work is sold for less at auction. I know that women are marginalized in the text books. There are only so many statistics I am willing to read without doing something about it. We can talk until we're blue in the face about the disparity in numbers, but unless we take action to change those statistics, they are useless.
I was sick of sitting on the sidelines and wanted to take an active role in being a part of the solution. One thing we need to do as women, as artists, and as mothers, is to stop talking about the inequities and do something about them. This year's exhibition, VOICES, is the continuation of that action."
I was sick of sitting on the sidelines and wanted to take an active role in being a part of the solution. One thing we need to do as women, as artists, and as mothers, is to stop talking about the inequities and do something about them. This year's exhibition, VOICES, is the continuation of that action."
All of the artists I have met through TLGUTS appreciate Jocelyn's vision, energy and ferocious commitment.